Today we headed out to the Rio en Medio trail in Tesuque. Talk about lush! The trail followed a mountain creek with thick green thickets of willow, birch, and maple providing shade for our outing. We got an early morning start, so the hike was cool and moist - my favorite hiking weather! The trail follows the narrow valley of a mountain canyon and continues all the way up to the Winsor Trail in the Santa Fe Ski basin.
Little Rosie was loving the fresh, mountain stream water!
The first waterfall we came across was the Little Chasm Falls, presenting around a 25-foot drop - that's a big waterfall by New Mexico standards. Our first view of the waterfall was from above. We could barely see the waterfall through the trees and with canyon walls blocking our view, but the roar of the waterfall was an absolute give away! We decided to continue hiking up the trail before getting our paws wet to see this waterfall up close. Besides, isn't it better to save the best for last? Arfie, Arfie!
Can you spot my human? He's taking a peak at the waterfall through the trees.
We continued up a steep rock face and followed the trail for a few more miles, admiring the many waterfalls along the way. The waterfalls came in all different shapes and sizes, with each creating its own roar and music through the canyon. The mountain flora gradually changed to introduce more ponderosa pine and large oak trees as we climbed through the canyon.
Little Rosie was not a fan of the loud waterfalls - she kept crawling into our human mama's lap!
I, on the other hand, couldn't get enough of the water!
This was one of my favorite waterfalls on this trip, flowing for 30 feet along this large rock face. The soft, musical sound of this waterfall was tranquil and peaceful. What a wonderful place!
We climbed up one last ascent for a view looking toward Chupadero, before heading back down. We stopped for a wee rest - mostly for little sis to rest her little legs at the top and admired the beautiful scenery and gorgeous day for our adventure.
Then, the most glorious thing happened! I got a whiff of one of my favorite smells: skunk! Ooooh, the perfume in the air was wonderful!
Even lil sis was loving the skunk perfume - just look at her face! Complete bliss.
We headed back down the slot canyon, admiring the tall aspen trees towering beside the granite rock face of the canyon. The trail down was a bit challenging for little Rosie to climb over the rocks, but she traveled on like a champ.
Saving best for last, we crossed through the canyon chasm to see the first waterfall up close. We had to walk through the creek, over and under rocks and tree logs, but the wet paws and scrambling was totally worth the view of the waterfall from below. Our human mama had to carry lil sis through the creek - she's a bit afraid of the water. You should have seen her air-paddling through with wide eyes as mama carried her across the creek! She's a trooper!
But then we made it! Isn't it beautiful!
This is my kind of adventure! Woof, woof!