Sunday, January 8, 2017

First Snow Hike of the Year

Our first hike after the new year was a snow hike! After a warm and dry November, we are finally getting snow here in New Mexico. My paws have been missing the feeling of running through fresh powder - until now! Sunday was a beautiful sunny, bluebird day here in Santa Fe, so we headed up to our old faithful, Atalaya Mountain, to test our snow legs. This was little sis's first snow hike, so we bundled her up in her hot pink jacket and brought her shoes just in case her paws got too cold. She was a trooper and did the whole hike by herself!

Rosie loves posing for the camera!

Our pawrents let me lead the way through the forest. I love this forest - it always reminds me of the Narnia novels, especially in wintertime. It's amazing how much the forest changes throughout the seasons. This trail looks so different from when we last saw it in November. On our hike up, the trail was still cool and the snow soft with plenty of fresh powder to explore. I love scouting and looking for bunny tracks in the forest. 

By the time we had reached the trail's intersection between the steep and easy route, the sun was bright and shining down on the trail, softening the snow and warming our backs. Lil sis wanted to try the easier route, but our pawrents were ready for the steep route once again. Our pawrents, even with their crampons, were slipping and sliding all over the trail. But lil sis and I climbed up the trail like pros - thanks to our claws and four legs!

After the slippery switchbacks, we made it to the top of Atalaya Mountain. The views from the top never cease to amaze me and always take my breath away! It was a wee bit windy at the top, so we all took our token family hiking pictures at the top, got our fill of fresh water, and headed back down the mountain. 

Coming down was an adventure in itself! The sun had melted the snow into slush, so we all had a good time sliding down the trail, trying not to fall! Atalaya Mountain has been, and continues to be, one of my favorite hikes in New Mexico! Woof woof!


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