Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Weekend in Taos

For Memorial Weekend, we headed up to Taos where our human mama grew up! I love going to Taos! So many wonderful and beautiful places for adventures. Plus, we get to play with our Uncle Leo - a golden retriever - and little Ruby - a Jack Russell Chihuahua.

For our first exploration, we heading to La Vista Verde trail in the Taos Gorge. It's like our own mini Grand Canyon here in Northern New Mexico. Plus, with all the spring rains, it was green and lush by New Mexico's standards. We hiked down the gorge canyon to the Rio Grande, which carved this beautiful crevice in the earth.

Big sis and Leo took off for their first drink and dip in the river as soon as they could. It was too steep for me, so I just hung out with my human dad for a fantastic backpack ride. 

Roxie scouting for lizards.

Roxie reigning over her kingdom. 

We finally made it down to the river for a swim! The current was too swift for me, but both Roxie and Leo went swimming chasing after sticks. It was a blast!

Here are our human parents!

By the time we got back home, I was pooped. Nothing like a glorious nap on the patio soaking up the sun's rays. Now, this is my kind of weekend getaway! Snores...


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Mini Road Trip to Abiquiu Lake

It's officially summertime in New Mexico, and time to begin our summer adventures! We started out with a mini road trip to Abiquiu Lake. Now, I'm not the biggest fan of the car - yikes! - but here's a super adorable pic of my lil sis hanging out in the car, ready for the road trip!

Now swimming is my second favorite sport - after hiking, of course! I was made for the water, and Abiquiu Lake is one of the most stunning places to go swimming in New Mexico. It's truly a hidden gem. We headed out early in the morning, and were the first to arrive. It was so nice having the beach to ourselves!

Here's our first view of the lake with Cerro Pedernal in the background.

This is my lit sis's first time to the lake. She can't swim, being the bulky bulldog that she is, so we took it easy. I slowly eased her into a shallow kiddy pool to get used to the water. 

She getting the hang of it!

Just look at her slobber ring! Classic. 

While lil sis napped on the beach, my human dad and I took off for a good swim! It felt so good to stretch my long legs and swim around. The water was crisp and cool with lots of little fishes to chase. 

After, we dried off and warmed up in the sun, enjoying the beautiful scenery of Abiquiu Lake. 

Oh, Abiquiu Lake, how I love you!
